The Patterson Family

One day at a time…

We’re leaving… August 14, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — thepattersonfour @ 1:05 pm

WordPress. I need a little more creative control of my blog so we are officially moving The Patterson Four to Blogger. Our new address is

See you there!!



My big boy… August 1, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — thepattersonfour @ 8:13 pm

Jacob, you turn 4 today. No longer a baby, no longer even a toddler. Your a big boy now. You are so fiercely independent, yet still small enough to need me. You are stuck in the middle of wanting to to do it all, and not being able to figure out how. You are the only one who can make me cry out of love, frustration, sadness and joy – all at the same time! You are so much like your daddy. I love that. You are sweet and sensitive, quick to fight but also quick to love.

You have been such a wonderful Big Brother to Julianne. I know it’s hard to have to share everything including our time, but you have made the transition beautifully. She looks up to you and already wants to do everything just like you. What a special relationship you two have! This year I have seen you start Preschool and learn how to be a good friend and student. It took a few weeks, but you settled in and found your niche as the adorable, dimple-studded boy with a touch of mischief.

You are starting to ask real questions about our faith. Sometimes I hear your conversations with God while you are laying in your bed at nap time. I am envious of your child-like faith. You pat your chest and tell me that that is where Jesus lives :). Someday I won’t have all of the answers for you, but I will cherish these early years while you still think that I can do “Mommy Magic” and know everything there is to know in this world.

Thank you for being my little helper in the kitchen, the “protector of Julianne”, Daddy’s race car driver, a sweet grandson to Oma, Granna and Pops, a big boy cousin for Latham to play with, my snuggler…my big boy. Thank you for making me a mom. I love you.

One year old:

Two Years old:

Three years old:

(almost) Four years old:


Mondays. July 29, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — thepattersonfour @ 7:15 am

In case you were wondering, this is what we do on Mondays:

We play in the train table drawers and act like that is exactly what we are supposed to be doing.

We vacuum with our squeaky red Dirt Devil.

We make a Lego “Bride and Groom” set. (Emm and Steven – I was told that these were replicas of y’all on your wedding day. I’m pretty sure that you each had two eyes that day, though. But I could be wrong.)

We eat a little bit o’ lunch.

Do a little crime fighting and planet saving.

Tuesdays aren’t ever quite as exciting as Mondays. 🙂


Hide and Seek? July 18, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — thepattersonfour @ 12:05 pm

Who knows?!!  Julianne was playing in her room and I kept hearing whimpering noises but they didn’t sound urgent, so I finished loading the dishwasher and then went to investigate.  This is what I found…

Yes, that sweet denim-clad bottom belongs to Julianne.  No idea how she ever got BEHIND the blinds because I had to raise them all the way up to get her out.  I have been chuckling to myself all day about it!


Why do I… July 16, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — thepattersonfour @ 1:54 pm
  • always forget when the pest control man is coming and have to answer the door in my jammies only to rush and change/clean up the house while he sprays the foyer?
  • insist that my children have a fruit or vegetable with their meals but consider popcorn and a Dr. Pepper a good lunch for me?
  • only make my bed if we’re having company?
  • only take naps on the couch?
  • love fatty, greasy pizza?
  • buy my kids cute clothes all the time, but run my errands in knit shorts, a t-shirt and a ball cap?  (If anyone would like to submit me to TLC’s “What Not to Wear”, I would greatly appreciate it!)
  • love to sing in the shower/car but am terrified to do karaoke?
  • always get hungry at 10pm?
  • only spill things when I’m wearing white?
  • have 4 phones in the house if they all end up in the kitchen by the end of the day?
  • think that paying with pennies is a hassle to the person at the cash register?  (it’s still money…)
  • fold laundry right away but leave the neat little stacks on the bedroom floor until we can’t stand it anymore?
  • never hand someone else the camera so that I can be photographed with my family?
  • sing to Jacob and hum to Julianne?
  • sew cute things for everyone else but not my own kids?

Julianne’s first steps July 14, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — thepattersonfour @ 12:30 pm

Better late than never!!! Julianne took her sweet time learning to walk – we’ve been joking that she’s been walking for months…as long as no one was looking!!! She starting taking quite a few steps on Friday and then just got better and better each day since. She can even walk pretty well on the grass outside. Of course, it helps that every time she takes off we all squeal “Big Girl!”…”You’re doing SO good!”…”Keep Going!” – followed by a round of applause by all. Even the neighbor kids were cheering her on last night!

Here is some footage of her in the living room today. Please excuse the high-pitched “mommy voice” that I always revert to when my kids are doing something exciting…


Water Sports – the Tomball way… July 2, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — thepattersonfour @ 5:44 pm

A few weeks ago our neighbors had to drain their pool so they could get a new liner.  Instead of flooding everyone’s backyard, they used an electric pump and the hose just happened to fall short of the gutter onto the side yard.  Well, it didn’t take the kids 2 minutes to get their swimsuits on and “dive” in.  They thought it was great!!!!  You would have thought Schlitterbahn had come to Glacier Falls!!!  Even the babies got in on the action :).  It was hilarious to watch!!


Julianne’s Look-alike Meter July 1, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — thepattersonfour @ 1:09 pm

MyHeritage: Look-alike MeterFamily picturesVintage photos


Jacob’s Look-alike Meter

Filed under: Uncategorized — thepattersonfour @ 12:55 pm

MyHeritage: Look-alike MeterBlank family tree Geneology

Interesting…Everyone has ALWAYS said that Jacob looks more like Justin than me!


Our Daddy… June 16, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — thepattersonfour @ 12:10 pm

Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!!! You are the greatest!!! Love, Jacob and Julianne